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  • by Sabrina Clore
Media intern Sabrina Clore sat down with four of the behind-the-scenes Beyond Today staff to discuss their role in preaching the gospel.
  • by Amanda Stiver
The yearly Nielsen data on the American television audience for 2009 shows that 90 percent of Americans subscribe to paid television services either by cable, satellite or other wireless service.
  • by Cecil Maranville
While You Were Sleeping was a movie several years ago about dramatic developments in a family when one of its members was in a coma. Were you sleeping last summer? Do you know what happened in the "American family"?
  • by Becky Sweat
Our society is obsessed with entertainment. Kids and adults alike seem attached to their MP3 players, PDAs, remote controls and other electronic devices. Newscasters and college lecturers have replaced "newsy" messages with more entertaining approaches. Is that bad? What steps can we take to keep from becoming addicted to entertainment?
  • by Kayla Rains
What is the value of time? Like currency, perhaps the best measure is in how it is spent. What kind of benefit are you receiving from how you spend your time?
  • by John Ross Schroeder
Christians are told to be watching and aware of the trends taking place in the world around us. But with news coming at us 24 hours a day, it can seem overwhelming. How can we get a proper handle on world news from a biblical point of view?
  • by Amanda Stiver
Almost everyone enjoys seeing a movie on occasion. But how does it affect you? More importantly, how do you decide which ones to see?
  • by Cecil Maranville
I could have titled this: "America, Get a Life!" Because the examples you are about to read are so outlandish, you might think they are exaggerations. But I assure you they are true (regrettably, considering what that says about America).
  • by Vertical Thought
Important facts about the effects of Television