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  • by R. J'Non Whitlark, Mike Whitlark
Instead of determining value by our own standards, let’s look to God’s example when dealing with other people.
  • by Becky Sweat
Unfortunately, people sometimes say and do things that are careless, blunt, insensitive or even mean-spirited. While we can’t control the intentions or behavior of others, we can determine how we will act. We can choose to not be offended.
  • by United Church of God
You have to lock most valuables away, but the most valuable cannot be stolen.
  • by Jerold Aust
Finding true friends and dealing with unwanted pressures are challenges at any age. Where can teens turn for help?
  • by W. Fred Crow
Kids make mistakes—that's a simple fact. But that doesn't remove them from the list of the most valued resources on the planet!