Ebola - New Terrorist Tool?

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Ebola - New Terrorist Tool?

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Like their al-Qaeda cousins, the Islamic State jihadists have shown themselves willing to use any weapon in their terrorist arsenal. Many wonder if Ebola and other diseases such as smallpox could be used as bioweapons.

We're not talking about the rantings of conspiracy theorists here. As reported by several respected media sources, national security planners are already considering what could result if terror groups learn to use Ebola or other infectious diseases for their own purposes.

Deadly as it is, medical experts know that Ebola is only contagious when a patient begins showing symptoms—not during the 2- to 21-day incubation period. Could the Islamic State or other terror organizations, which have shown they have some mastery of modern technology, somehow develop a mutation of the virus, a sort of "super strain" that could become infectious during incubation?

Perhaps, but that would be the hard way to do it. Much easier, says Capt. Al Shimkus, a retired naval captain and now professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, would be for human suicide carriers to spread the current version of the disease.

"In the context of terrorist activity, it doesn't take much sophistication to do that next step to use a human being as a carrier," Shimkus told Forbes magazine (as reported on the Forbes website, Oct. 5, 2014)

In his scenario, the Islamic State or any other terror group could send soldiers into heavily infected areas where they would steal infected bodily fluids to use later, or they could deliberately expose themselves to the virus before heading to some target city or country. There, they would mingle with the population, infecting as many victims as possible.

The idea is not new. During the Middle Ages, armies catapulted the bodies of victims of plague over the walls of enemy cities to spread the disease.

There would be problems with this approach, say other observers. The advanced health-care systems of the United States and Europe, terror groups' main targets, would be effective in combating the disease unless populations were infected on a massive scale, which presently seems unlikely.

In a Slate opinion piece published in mid-November, University of Pennsylvania bioethicist Nicholas Evans doubted that Ebola could be a viable bioweapon candidate because by the time the carrier started showing symptoms—the only time the disease could be transmitted—the terrorist contagion agent would himself be so sick he would have only a few days to do his deadly work.

Ebola in its present form is only spread by bodily fluids, which "are not efficient or stealthy weapons," says Evans. Still, in the hands of a determined terrorist group with members only too willing to die for the cause, the idea of contagious diseases as weapons cannot be overlooked—especially since Ebola will not be the last deadly contagion we see.

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  • carolina
    Of course, the terrorists know that they themselves will die from it if they used it as weapons. Ebola, where did it come from? It is "Judgement from Heaven", especially in the countries where "Witchcraft" exists. By the way, let's get back to "Loving our neighbors" as we love ourselves. What if our neighbors are secretly in the activities of terrorists? What if these neighbors are truly evil and plotting evil conspiracies against their neighbors who are truly "Born Again Christians"? Shall we love these kind of neighbors? Well, we just need to rebuke them and discern them everyday and every minute of the day that the Lord has made. Just be on guard at all times?...
  • Pennywilson
    I believe that the fourth Horseman has been loosed upon the Earth also.Not only Ebola but something that the CDC in the United States will not admit to....it is evil and it is real.Thousands of people are infected and there is no known cure.Doctors everywhere are seeing it but are going by the CDCs diagnosis.They have terrible itching and a terrible rash,sometimes open sores that wont heal.Colored fibers that they can not identify are coming from their skin and they are infected with numerous insect and worm s....their hair is falling out and clear fibers are taking the hairs place.They ave crawling under their skin....It is called Morgellons Disease and it has evil faces involved in the microscopic filimants...PLEASE GET THIS OUT TO THE WORLD!! People in EVERY country in the world are suffering and it is being said they are crazy and have Paranoid Parasitosis! How can thousands of people,including children,all be crazy and exzibit the exact same symptoms?WHERE did it come from?WHY is there a cover up?
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