Good News Magazine: November - December 2014

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In This Issue

  • by Scott Ashley
"If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time, or die by suicide."—Abraham Lincoln
  • by Tom Robinson
More evident than America's war on terror is a concerted effort to push God and His laws of morality out of the country's civic and personal life. Are you alert to the fight being waged? What side do you come down on?
  • by Tom Robinson
With the kind of leadership America has at the top—or perhaps we should say that with Americans having chosen this kind of leadership—it should be no surprise that America (along with the rest of the world) wallows in immoral behavior of every kind.
  • by Tom Robinson
Make no mistake—sin is sin, and God's Word condemns all forms of sexual sin, including adultery, fornication and pornography. But what is especially shocking in modern society's war against God is how homosexual activity has gone from something practiced behind closed doors to being advocated by government and flaunted in Main Street parades. Does anyone care how God views this?
  • by Tom Robinson
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, the apostle Paul asks, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?" He then goes on to list several sins—fornication, adultery, stealing, coveting, drunkenness and homosexual activity—that separate people from God and His great purpose for them.
  • by Tom Robinson
Fox News radio commentator Todd Starnes observes in his new book God Less America that those in "the militant gay rights community . . . not only expect you to accept their lifestyle, but they also want you to affirm it. They want your children exposed to it in their public school classrooms. They want private business owners to endorse their court-sanctioned 'marriages.' And woe be to any person...
  • by Tom Robinson
A major part of the war against God and godly values is the scourge of abortion—the murder of the most helpless.
  • by Tom Robinson
Rejecting God and the nation's long history rooted in the Bible, American leaders and government increasingly embrace a religious belief system alien to the country's long-held values.
  • by Darris McNeely
Was Jesus born on December 25? Can we even know when He was born? And most importantly, does it even really matter when Jesus was born?
  • by Gary Petty
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is going to save you from the coming time of horrendous global trouble by whisking you away into heaven beforehand in what many call the Rapture? What will you do if He doesn't?
  • by Rex Sexton
The Bible speaks of the Day of the Lord as a time of great upheaval, cataclysm and also of hope. The Bible reveals that this "day" actually symbolizes a period of time beginning with great trouble for mankind and extending into an eternity of peace.
  • by Gary Petty
In a world of troubles and grief, we are all in deep need of physical and spiritual refreshment. Even tougher times are coming, but they're followed by Jesus Christ's reign and His times of refreshing.
  • by Darris McNeely
Many people would be surprised to learn that Jesus Christ spoke in parables to hide His message from the masses. Why did He do this? And how can you understand the deepest meaning of the parables of the Kingdom?
  • by Rudy Rangel III, Darris McNeely, Peter Eddington
For 13 years now al-Qaeda has been the face of terror and Islamic extremism, both feared and hated in the West. But now their hold on the Middle East and the loyalty of Islamic militants may be slipping.
  • by Rudy Rangel III, Darris McNeely, Peter Eddington
While the world collectively gasps at the horrific violence employed by the recently declared Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East, including beheadings of captured Westerners, to date there hasn't been much tangible fear throughout Western nations. The Islamic State's control over large parts of Iraq and Syria seems in the West to be still far away—especially with the West now conducting...
  • by Rudy Rangel III, Darris McNeely, Peter Eddington
"Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice," were the words of noted evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins on Aug. 20, 2014, in response to a woman carrying a baby suspected to have Down syndrome (Twitter feed posted at The Independent, Sept. 26, 2014).
  • by Rudy Rangel III, Darris McNeely, Peter Eddington
On Sept. 18, 2014, Scotland's voters decided to remain a part of the United Kingdom—at least for now. It was a long and emotional campaign. Deep divisions between Scotland and England were exposed. The union remains, but it has taken a beating.