Letters from Our Readers - January/February 2013

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Letters from Our Readers - January/February 2013

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"Waiting for Marriage: What Do I Do Now?"

I really enjoyed the articles in the November-December issue. Especially appreciated was Amanda Stiver's article on being single. At age 68, collecting social security, still single and with no prospects in sight, I'm not worrying about "singleness." But if someone had sat me down about age 18 and gone through what was in Amanda's article, possibly I'd be married now.

When I worked in a nursing home, I found that well over half of the residents had never been married, and it might well have been more. Keep in mind that there are millions of single people who don't have the social skills to attract anyone and I'm one of them. If you're wondering, nobody has ever introduced me to a lady, invited me to a party or any other social event.

Reader from South Dakota

Thank you for your courageous and frank letter, which helps present a more complete picture of what it's like for some to be single. As you state, developing social skills is essential. Our free booklet Making Life Work may help you and other readers.

Kingdom of God articles

I am absolutely delighted about The Good News magazine that you kindly send me. After receiving it today, I have already embarked on the avid reading of the first 20 pages. And I can say that the articles helped me clarify and understand much of the message in the Bible about the Kingdom of God. I will visit your website for sending a donation.

S.S., Norwich, England

The articles about the Kingdom of God have been expository and revealing. Thank you for this blessing.

O.A., County Cork, Ireland

I've been reading your magazine for many years. I've always loved reading all your articles. I read them to my husband. We read "What Is the Kingdom of God?" . Then when we came to "Your Down Payment on Divinity" by Jerold Aust, I was shocked by what I read. When he talked about the Holy Spirit in John 16:5-7, he put "it" in the place of "Him" which is in the Bible, King James Version and New Living Translation. Why did he alter this? Thank you so much for your reply to help me understand. I'd like to keep reading and trusting in your magazine.

S.S., Colfax, Louisiana

Thank you for your commendable attitude and your honest question. You can find a detailed explanation in our free booklet Is God a Trinity?—which we have already mailed to you. The answer is in the section titled "Why the Holy Spirit Is Sometimes Incorrectly Referred to as 'He' and 'Him.'"

Briefly, unlike English, the Greek language in which the New Testament was written assigns a specific gender for every noun. Every object, animate or inanimate, is designated as either masculine, feminine or neuter, and corresponding pronouns such as "he," "she" or "it" would be used. Often the gender is unrelated to whether the item is indeed masculine or feminine.

To use some modern examples, the French word for "book" is livre. It is of the masculine gender and is referred to by a pronoun equivalent to the English "he" or "him." Similarly, the Spanish word for "table," la mesa, has been assigned the feminine gender. Of course, neither a book nor a table has any real gender. You'll find a much more complete explanation in the Trinity booklet mentioned above.

Kingdom of God Seminar

I attended a Kingdom of God Seminar in London this afternoon and found it very informative. Unfortunately, I had to leave early to catch a coach home, just as the question time was starting. I have found all your information trustworthy and biblical.

A.E, Canterbury, England

Thank you for your kind comments. We will gladly inform you in advance of the time and venue of the next seminar in London. In the meantime, you may wish to request our free booklets The Gospel of the Kingdom and What Is Your Destiny?

The Good News

I sit waiting my turn when visiting my eye doctor. So I reach for something to read. Some years back, I came across The Good News magazine and have been reading it ever since. The Good News has changed my life completely. In your last issue you mentioned the seventh-day Sabbath. I am sending you some money. I hope it helps.

V.R., Plainview, Texas

The gentleman from Texas may already have our free Bible study aid booklet Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest. Any of our readers may also download it or request a printed copy. Contributions do help a great deal in sharing the message of the gospel of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:18-20). We sincerely appreciate them.

I just wanted to let you know that I think The Good News is the best magazine anywhere in the world today. And it just keeps getting better and better. I have read all but five issues of what you have online, including those older issues from earlier years.

B.J.L., Internet

Thank you for the subscription. I have enjoyed The Good News through the years. It has educated me about the truth of what God expects of us. I saw my first issue at a friend's house. From there I grew to be sound in God's Word. Please forgive me for not really complimenting you for such a great job done and a good ministry.

B.M., Commonwealth of Dominica

Your May-June issue touched my heart so much. I was reading it to my husband and just started crying. It was so moving and educational for us during this journey and time in our lives. It ministered directly to our situation. I am so thankful for The Good News.

S. S., Internet

The Good News is not just a magazine to me. The documentation in each issue is such worthwhile information that it brings transformation to serious people. Thank you so much for your efforts.

V.V., India

The Ten Commandments

Thank you for your timely booklet The Ten Commandments. I can now say that I understand better the purpose and intent of God behind the Bible. I have finally come to the light. I have studied the Word of God over the past six to seven years through Bible school and on my own. Your literature has made it all clear. Enclosed you will find my personal check as a contribution toward your future efforts.

C.A.S., Phoenix, Arizona

You Can Understand Bible Prophecy

I have read your booklet about Bible prophecy, and I must say that it changed the way I visualized the end time. I like the fact that it is backed up by words from the Bible itself, and I now see My Redeemer differently than before. Thank you for giving me the knowledge in this booklet. I would like to read more of your literature, and I would like another copy of this booklet to give to friends.

P.C., Internet

Reader comments from Canada

I am writing to thank you for all the help and information that you send me, and would like to receive more of your booklets. Some of the people for which I request your booklets do not have a home or address of their own. Yet they want more information, as they live in a shelter day by day, receiving some food from food banks or wherever. I am trying to help these people as much as I can.

Reader from Ontario

I got my latest issue of The Good News and was expecting to find my letter in the Letters From Our Readers feature. I thought it was a good letter in that it was about "Sex and the Young Christian." I sent my letter to Cincinnati, Ohio, as directed in the magazine.

Reader from Ontario

Thanks for sending us your comments—and for writing again. Please understand, though, that we receive many letters and have room for only a small selection. But feel free to write us again. Readers can also send comments on Good News articles to our office nearest them (in your case in Canada)..

Comment from the Maldives

I would like to cancel my Good News subscription and any other publications as I live in a majority Muslim country. I will continue to view your publication online. Thank you for your support and hard work in sending the magazine for all those long years.

Reader from Maldives

Thank you for your kind comments. We understand your circumstances and have removed your name from our active subscription list.

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