Letters from Our Readers - July/August 2013

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Letters from Our Readers - July/August 2013

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"Why Are You Here?"

"Why Are You Here?" in your May/June issue was an amazing article. Our potential destiny comes so clear. This article has truly helped me to refocus my life in a more meaningful direction. What an awesome future God has offered. And what a loving God to send His Son to die for our sins. We owe both the Father and the Son so much, and we have a lot to live up to.

B.E., Cheshire, England

"The Abortion Debate"

Your May/June issue was so very informative, especially the article about abortion. I had always been pro-choice until I read that article. Now I'm totally against abortion. I was very surprised at the extent of abortions worldwide. Other features were great as well, such as "Exploring God's Word," "The Bible and You," "Follow Me" and the Beyond Today article "Change Your Life Story." Keep up the good work, as always.

W.S., North Carolina

Beyond Today

I would like to thank your magazine staff and your ministry for shedding light on false religious practices and traditional church habits that are ungodly and not found in the Holy Bible. My family and I have learned so much from your magazine articles and your Beyond Today television ministry. You have opened our eyes, minds and hearts to what is the real gospel and what is the false gospel. Enclosed is a money order to help support your magazine and your TV ministry. It's not a lot, but I felt led by the Holy Spirit to give it. You have helped me and my family so much that I would like to contribute in some small way.

B.S., Detroit, Michigan

{ We deeply appreciate and welcome support from our readers and viewers. It helps enable Christ's gospel to go out to the nations. }

The Good News

I have been receiving your wonderful magazine for about two years and finally got around to writing to you. This newest edition is really great. You are always "established in the present truth," as Peter wrote. Your magazine is always up to date on the news, along with your observations and exhortations.

A.D., Stephenville, Texas

I have been receiving your magazine, which is so true, descriptive and inspiring. And I do appreciate your predictions, which have come to pass with time. Although I have read my Bible through twice, I find your magazine necessary to remind us of where we are today.

O.S.F., St. Louis, Missouri

Thank you for a great read, one full of the major factors affecting our lives in so many ways. I wouldn't know what to do without it. I do believe that the next 10-20 years are critical to all of us. Keep up the good work of alerting mankind to the extreme dangers we face unless we turn to God wholly and completely.

Reader from New South Wales, Australia

We love your magazine. What a treasure trove of truth! 

J. & E.N., Bremerton, Washington

Your magazine always gives food for thought. I struggle with some of your doctrines, but also receive biblical and spiritual nourishment from many of your articles.

S.S., Gillingham, England

We appreciate your balanced attitude, and you can always practice what the Bereans did: "They received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

Readers from France

Would you accept to stop sending me Bonnes Nouvelles [The French edition of The Good News]? I am sorry, but I have to read only the magazines and booklets published by the traditional churches (Protestants, Anglicans, etc.).

R.C., Tulle, France

{ We will of course cancel a subscription on request. Still, we recommend that you read the free Bible study aid The Church Jesus Built and read the following letter. The traditional churches have diverged widely from Christ's teachings. }

I have been reading The Good News for two years now. I ask others to read the magazine now and then. So they hear about the Bible of which they have had no previous knowledge. The documentation in each issue is paramount in bringing transformation to people who really take the time to read it until they are permeated by the sacred words of God. Your magazine is well worth reading.

D.C., Amboise, France

Reader comments from Australasia

My friends have been lending me their copies of The Good News magazine. However, I would be grateful if you could send me my own subscription. I have received your booklets before and would like to thank you for sending them to me.

Reader from Papua New Guinea

I get The Good News and I really enjoy it. At night I sit down to read it and use it to study my Bible, which is what I enjoy doing. And I look forward to the booklets.

Reader from Queensland

I have searched far and wide for truth and understanding, and I finally found it in your organization. I am in complete agreement with your beliefs and literature. I have access to The Good News magazine, which is on display at a local shopping centre near my house. I enjoy reading it ever so much.

Reader from New South Wales

Readers appreciate free booklets

Thank you for the booklets you have provided me. I have been very blessed by your information and teaching. The booklets are easy to read and have given me a much greater understanding on the subjects covered.

Armed with the wonderful information that the booklets supply, I am hoping to be able to teach my daughter and her friends the truth that other churches do not. There is such a lack of solid biblical teaching in the churches that we have previously attended. So I am very blessed to be reading your booklets. I love sharing them with people, and I hope they feel the same way.

Reader from Victoria, Australia

I so look forward to receiving your booklets, and I learn so much from them. They explain the Scriptures very clearly in a way that I can relate to and remember them. Thank you for keeping up the valuable work which is needed by many—a very worthy mission in spreading His word.

E.W., Romford, England

Good News for those in prison

I have served prison time, benefitting from your generous giving of materials. It helped me to debunk the theory of the Trinity, the failure to fit three days and three nights between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and much more.

I truly believe that the United Church of God is the true Church here on earth. A lot of inmates do feign religious interest for ulterior motives, but I didn't. I still fail to live up to God's expectations, but the Holy Spirit convicts me, and I ask God for forgiveness. I can tell you from personal experience that the Lord is long on forgiveness and very merciful.  Thank you very much for opening my eyes and continuing to teach me.

P.K., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

{ You may like to read this informative booklet This Is the United Church of God. }

I am a Nigerian inmate incarcerated here in Thailand since 2009. So I am very happy to have come across your magazine The Good News. I have read your article about "Hope and Restoration," a story about the Prodigal Son. It moved me and touched my emotions deeply. It showed how to restore broken relationships. Please, may I request that you include my name on the mailing list of this Spirit-filled magazine?

P.M.D., Thailand

Bible Study Course

I would like to inform you that your Bible Study lessons that I receive have nourished and transformed me. The information helps me to do what is right. I really relate to a God who I know is real and true. I just came out of a belief that I couldn't find any basis for in the Word of God. Thank you for your generosity.

R.H., Hong Kong

I have come to the end of the 12 lessons of your Bible Study Course, and I would like to thank the ministry and staff for providing the important opportunity to see the truth of God's Word in a way that is easy to understand. I recommend it to anyone who is sincerely seeking to know God and His will for their lives.

C.M., Leighlinbridge, Ireland

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