The Koran vs. The Bible

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The Koran vs. The Bible

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The Koran is divided into 114 chapters, or suras, which are arranged in order of decreasing length, with the exception of the brief first sura, which is part of a Muslim's daily prayer.

Muslims reject the Bible—and by extension, Christianity and Judaism—as being corrupt and superseded by the Koran. "Muslims regard the Old and New Testaments as sharing two defects from which the Quran is free ... They record only portions of the Truth ... [and] the Jewish and Christian Bibles were partially corrupted in transmission, a fact that explains the occasional discrepancies that occur between their accounts and parallel ones in the Quran ... The Quran [is] the final and infallible revelation of God's will. Its second chapter says explicitly: 'This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt'" (John Miller and Aaron Kenedi, Inside Islam, 2002, p. 22).

"Muhammad was at political odds with the Christians when he had acquired a certain amount of supplementary information concerning Christian beliefs ... The Christians were wrong in saying that Jesus ... was the son of Allah ... There was only one God, Allah ... He [Jesus] was not God ... Islam, the last prophetic revelation, which had been granted to the Arabs, was therefore the supreme and definitive religion" (Maxime Rodinson, Muhammad, 1980, p. 240).

There are many conflicts between the Bible and various passages in the Koran. Sura 19:34-35 refers to Jesus as merely the son of Mary and denies that He was the Son of God. Sura 4:157 denies that Jesus was killed in the crucifixion, saying that it was another who looked like Him.

Sura 61:6 states: "Jesus son of Mary, ... said to the Israelites: 'I am sent forth to you from [Allah] to confirm the Torah already revealed, and to give news of an apostle that will come after me whose name is Ahmad [the Praised One]'"—the latter being a reference to Muhammad, whose name meant "Praiseworthy." Jesus is here presented as declaring Himself as merely the forerunner of the greater and final prophet Muhammad.

The Bible, of course, presents Jesus as the Son of God, the ultimate Prophet and the way to salvation. As Paul wrote, "There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time" (1 Timothy 2:5-6).

Yet based on what the Koran states, "Muslims respect Jesus as one of perhaps 124,000 messengers or prophets Allah has sent, and one of the 25 listed in the Quran, but not as our Redeemer" (Marvin Olasky, "Islam vs. Liberty," World, Sept. 10, 2011).

Some branches of Islam teach that Jesus will return to earth—not as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, as the Bible teaches, but rather to accompany the mahdi, an Islamic messiah, and to convert the world, including Christians, to Islam by force.

Clearly, there is a stark contrast between the Holy Book of God and the revelation to Muhammad and teachings of Islam. And there cannot be two opposing revelations from the same God, as God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Only one source is true—the Bible. For evidence of its trustworthiness, send for or download our free booklet Is the Bible True?

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  • amj

    Hashem is the mediator between Elohim and all His children whoever roamed, roam and will roam this world. No one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven without His help. Any other religion or conviction of beliefs are lies from Hashem's brother, Lucifer or the Morning light otherwise known as Satan. The Islam is such a belief, and will help Satan to destroy Elohim's offspring. In the latter-day Satan and his angels will try to destroy all human kind. But at the height of Satan's reign from the throne in the Temple in Jerusalem, Hashem's angels will come and rescue all survivors who are true to Elohim. Satan will be bound for 1000 years. Read the Holy Scriptures about it.

  • Sneakie

    There is absolutely no use of arguing whether the Bible or the Quran is right as the answer is obvious. Consider:
    1. The Bible was COMPILED about 2000 years before the Quran was WRITTEN.
    2. Only Mohammed was inspired to RECITE (was dictated like a poem) the Quran writings as the others wrote it. Whereas the Bible was written by several inspired writers of varied times.
    3. Mohamed received all his inspirations in a cave (only pagan deities were worshiped in caves) and his writings deny the Biblical savior Jesus.


    If both books are a record of contradicting history, then the Bible must be correct as it was earlier.
    If one inspired writer of the Quran was a freak, consider more than 20 who wrote the Bible.
    The Quran is a RECITATION (song/poem like) the Bible is a LIBRARY.

    It depends on which way you look at things before you declare the Quran above the Bible. How can I oppose a record of history dated 2000 years before my birth that had been correct? Surely, this must have been evil. The Bible warned (2000 yrs before) I John 2:22 about denying Jesus as the Son of God.
    Was Jesus a CREATOR or CREATION in the Quran? (a muslim response needed)

  • KARS
    While I was searching for my way back home again; I read a little of the Koran. I however, did not join their group. When I found out they worship a space rock. That was enough for me so I moved on.
  • happyone

    Solomon-What makes Jesus unique is that He is the Only Son of the ONLY true God that was born immaculately. As humans, we all came from human parents starting with Adam and Eve. Jesus was created through immaculate conception. (This good news is in the Bible). Here are additional names Jesus goes by in the Bible to distinguish Himself: **Link removed to comply with comment policy** He is also the ONLY ONE who can save you, or anyone for that matter from their sins. There's salvation in no other "god", way, person, or thing. Jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. The ONLY ONE! You also make it sound like Mary is something to be worshipped. She is no different than any other female other than she was a virgin and chosen from God. This could have been any other female with similar attributes. The Lord is the only one that should be praised, not Mary. There's no salvation for sins through Mary. Another commenter mentioned that there's many with the name Jesus, and there is only ONE Jesus, "The Messiah" Jesus Christ.

  • dick nellis

    The Bible tell us that there are two Gods. The God of creation and the god of this earth. We all know the God of Creation. The god of this earth is Satan and I do not want to get to know him.

    The Bible tells us that Satan is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.

    In the chapter of the cave, the Koran tells us that some one, who's name I can not pronounce because it is Arabic, followed the sun to see where it sets. That person found the the sun sets in a muddy pool of water. So you tell me which book tells the truth, the Bible or the Koran? At the time the Koran was written, man did not know the size of the sun. the error shows that the Koran was written by man not by God.

    I will worship the God of creation, He has a son who is also God and Allah does not.

  • RodrigWest

    Jesus refers to the old testament to support his teachings for example He told satan when he was tempted by him, several times in Matthew 4:4 and 4:7 " It is written....." and other parts of the scriptures he mentions to the Pharasees if they not read the scriptures and you that know the scritures as he also called them hypocrites for they know the word but not follow it.
    Why I mention this is important,Jesus quoted the Old Testament many times indicating that the old testamenet is linked with the new testament and the new with the old.
    Jesus is the son of God as we are also but He also mentions in Matthew 12:48,49,50 ....Who is my mother? and who are my breathen(brothers)? And he streached forth his hand toward his diciples,and said, Behold my mother and my breathen! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."
    We must do the will of the Father to be Jesus's brother who is the son of God so doing the will of the Father makes us part of the family of God through Jesus Christ.
    God wants us to know the truth. Satan is the ruler of this earth he is the deciever and until we believe in the word of God and understand his plan for us then we shall know the truth. 2Tim 2:15 says "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
    In this next verse it mentions how God know his people that are his in 2Timothy 2:19 Says "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure,having his seal,The Lord knoweth them that are his. And , Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
    I prey that this will help to some point, that God gives you the wisdom to learn more through Jesus Christ, Amen.

  • Korede

    Solomon, your argument is very weak. Let me point them out for you one after the other.

    You said "Jesus never claimed to be a special son of God", have searched the Scriptures and did not get an answer, here is one from Jesus himself "When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby" (John 11:4)

    There are several people that even attest to this and Jesus did not deny it "He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God" (Mt 27:43)

    This is just to mention a few.

    You also said that there are several Jesus in the Bible. For your information, he is not the only one that bears that name, but he is uniquely identified among others, in fact to prove ur case weaker the more, those other people that you mentioned NEVER claimed to be the Messiah.

    Now, if I may ask you, how can you as a Muslim believe in Jesus when you reject his message?

  • solomonblueman

    According to the Bible what does the title "Son of God" mean? According to the bible any person can be son of God provided you are a peace maker. lovers of God, those led by the spirit, and those who love their enemies are 'sons of God'. what is unique about this title? Or the title for Jesus is different? what makes it different? God has billions of children and so if Jesus is one out of the billions, what is unique about it.

    Jesus never claimed to be a special son of God. Any claim or attribution of the title to him is just as it was attributed to all others. Every human being on earth can choose to be a son of God but no one can choose to be a prophet or a Messanger of God.

    Jesus the son of Mary is more honourable and distinguishing title than Jesus the son of God.

    There are several Jesus' in the bible who all claimed to be messiahs, prophets and sons of God eg, Jesus Bar-Abbas(matt.27:16) and Jesus the Messiah (matt.27:17) GNB, CEV. then Bar-Jesus Acts (13:6)GW

    Which of these jesus' is the right one. God in his infinite wisdom in the Holy Quran did not want these ambiguities and so simply referred to him as "Jesus son of Mary"

    Anyway, I need some help here, Which of the Jesus' in Matt.27:17 was the actual Jesus? Jesus Bar-Abbas(Jesus son of the father)or Jesus who is the Christ?(ref. Good News Bible, Contemporary English version, RSV 1952 footnote)

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