What Did Jesus Teach About Sin?

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What Did Jesus Teach About Sin?

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Most would rather bask in nice stories about Christ, in the knowledge of His grace and forgiveness of sin without acknowledging the requirements of obedience to Him and His law or the consequences of sin.

Yet, far from honoring his or her Savior, the Christian who does this actually demeans the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and shows a lack of understanding of what sin is and what it costs.

Just what is sin? The Bible defines sin as transgression of the law (1 John 3:4).

Jesus taught that actions that led to sins were to be stopped, not tolerated under an umbrella of unconditional grace. In John 8 we find a story of how the religious leaders of His day sought to entrap Him by making a difficult judgment. They did so by bringing before Him a woman caught in the act of adultery and asking Him what punishment she deserved.

Jesus told those who accused her to stone her if they were without sin. The accusers left one by one. But to the woman He said: "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" She responded, "No one, Lord." Jesus then told her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more" (verses 10-11, emphasis added).

Jesus told her to stop sinning. If we are followers of Christ, should we not heed His instruction as well? GN

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  • drgmadzima
    The issue is is more complex than the church admits. According to Jeremiah if the Messiah came riding on a donkey then He was convicting Israel of sin; and Jesus entered the city on a colt on the appointed day. The temple leadership knew that and they handed Jesus over to be crucified in the hope that if he was indeed the Messiah he would fight the Romans and free Israel. That has been the issue between the Jewish religion and the Christians of today. The claim is Jesus came and sin was defeated and yet sin is alive and well in and outside the church in believers and non-believer alike. The sad story is that Jesus taught us to love God and others at the exclusion of the self. Jesus then encoded this message in the way of the cross. If we die to the self, we will reduce our resistance to follow the word of God. In other words we will believe in the true sense of the word. When we follow the guidance of the Spirit of God we cannot sin. For those led by the Spirit are the sons of God; or those that do the will of God as Jesus did at the exclusion of the Self (death on the cross) or death to the self occurs as we continue to carry our cross and follow the word. The dead have no sin.
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