World News and Trends: Alcoholism and drug abuse ruining youth

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Alcoholism and drug abuse ruining youth

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Binge drinking and drug abuse are taking a terrible toll among British youth. Both addictions breed violence, and drug abuse is notorious for causing violent robberies. According to the Daily Mail, "Binge drinking was being blamed after it emerged that British girls are among the most violent in the Western world. English girls aged 11 to 15 came fifth in a league table of violence covering 35 countries."

Yet another feature article in The Times revealed that "cocaine use among children has doubled in a year . . . Hundreds of thousands of 11-to-15-year-olds are being offered the class A drug which is flooding into the country."

Both drug and alcohol addiction break down the normal restraints of human conscience. Only a restored family life renewed by the teaching and practice of biblical morality can reverse these damaging, life-destroying trends. To learn more, request our free booklet Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension. (Sources: Daily Mail, The Times [both London ].)

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