World News and Trends: Digging a moat around Baghdad?

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Digging a moat around Baghdad?

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It appears that the Middle Ages moat has not gone out of style. "Iraqi security forces will dig trenches around Baghdad and set up checkpoints along all roads leading into the city to reduce some of the violence plaguing the capital" (USA Today, Sept. 15). While it doesn't appear there will be water in these trenches, the purpose is similar: to stop Islamic extremists from driving explosives-laden vehicles into Baghdad, then detonating them and killing dozens of innocent civilians.

The idea of these Islamic extremists is to create more terror; that's why they are called terrorists. The fighting focuses on the power struggle between Iraq's Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Both Arabic Islamic insurgents and Iran are behind this struggle for power in Iraq, for different reasons.

The Iranians would like to keep America and coalition forces bogged down in Iraq so Iran can continue to expand its influence throughout the Middle East. Of course, down the road Shiite-dominated Iran would like to link up with a new Shiite-dominated Iraq to form a new regional superpower capable of enforcing its will on the many oil-rich Sunni Muslim governments of the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Arabic Islamic insurgents are likely supported by both Iran and Syria in hopes of derailing the new Iraqi democratic government. Militant Islamic groups hate democracy, believing it would undermine their deep-seated religious beliefs and culture.

For now, in Baghdad, digging trenches around the city is necessary to slow down and stop the ruthless bloodshed. The jury is still out on whether such killings can be stopped. To better understand the bloodstained history of the Middle East and where it is leading, request or download your free copy of The Middle East in Bible Prophecy. (Source: USA Today.)

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