World News and Trends: Doomsday clock ticks closer

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Doomsday clock ticks closer

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For some 60 years the "doomsday clock" has been ticking in Chicago, sponsored by the directors of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. They set it at seven minutes to midnight—midnight being a nuclear holocaust—back in 1947. Since then its hands have been moved forward and backward according to world tensions. According to The Bulletin Online, on Jan. 18 the clock was moved two minutes forward. It is now set at five minutes to midnight.

According to Max Hastings, editor of the Daily Mail, "The clock's hand is being advanced for the first time in four years" (Jan. 17, 2007). Many atomic scientists think that the world is now entering a very dangerous nuclear phase. Once that nuclear line is crossed and someone again uses an atomic device, it will make repetition almost inevitable.

In the wake of Iran 's feverish determination to achieve nuclear weapons, six Arab states have indicated a desire or intention to go nuclear. They are Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. Nuclear proliferation could be on the verge of getting out of control, especially in the already dangerous Middle East.

Professor Colin Gray, in his book Another Bloody Century, wrote that "future warfare will see the use of weapons of mass destruction, including those of a nuclear variety." Many atomic scientists agree. To understand more about the dangerous world in which we are now living, request our free booklet Are We Living in the Time of the End? (Sources: The Bulletin Online, Daily Mail [London].)

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