World News and Trends: Greatest U.S. oil catastrophe continues

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Greatest U.S. oil catastrophe continues

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Media reports have amply revealed the devastating results of an oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, which killed 11 oil workers and has led to millions of gallons of oil gushing from a broken pipeline almost a mile below on the ocean floor. This far-reaching disaster is the worst oil catastrophe in U.S. history. BP (formerly the British Petroleum Company), owner of the well, has acknowledged its responsibility for this ecological tragedy, but as of this writing it appears that it could be months before the well is plugged. Meanwhile, the American states along the Gulf coastline are pleading for help to save their beaches, marshlands and natural bird sanctuaries. As gooey tar blobs wash up on the once-pristine white beaches of Alabama and the Florida panhandle, human mistakes are taking a direct toll on the livelihood of fishermen and tourist industries alike. Who knows where or how this will end? The Bible foretells far greater catastrophes for the United States and for humankind in general if we don't turn to and obey Him. To learn more, request or download our free booklets The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy and Are We Living in the Time of the End?

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