World News and Trends: Ignorance of the Ten Commandments abounds in Britain

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Ignorance of the Ten Commandments abounds in Britain

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A recent survey in Britain revealed that "almost one youngster in 10 has never heard of the Ten Commandments." In addition, "nearly half of the youngsters can't recall a single one" even if they have heard the term sometime in their lives (Daily Mail, Sept. 4).

This poll also disclosed that very few indeed understand that observing the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments.

These are the inevitable fruits of a basically secular society that doesn't generally acknowledge God or the Bible in its everyday activities. Even religious education has marginalized Christianity. Every reader needs to request our free, 80-page booklet titled The Ten Commandments along with the companion publication Sunset to Sunset: God's Sabbath Rest. (Sources: Daily Mail, The Times [both London].)

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