World News and Trends: Is France dying?

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Is France dying?

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The topography remains, but increasingly France is less French and more Muslim—in this instance, more Arabic. "The presence of a huge and growing Muslim population in France has fundamentally altered the identity of the nation," writes Frontpage Magazine managing editor Jamie Glazov. "Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism have become endemic, as France chooses Islamicization and friendship with Arab dictators over friendship with America and Israel.

"The reports that France helped Iraqi officials escape to Europe were not surprising, because France is now the European leader of the Arab world and of Arab interests. In light of these circumstances, many would argue that France is no longer . . . well, France."

Some 30 years ago, France began to lean toward the Arab states for a number of reasons—among them oil, protection from Arab-led terrorists and trying to show America that it, too, can be viewed as a viable leader of the free world. Watching France's foreign minister speak and vote in the UN Security Council against a U.S. coalition entering Iraq suggests that France desires to be considered a leader in Europe. Such visible dramas could also serve to ingratiate France further to the Arab world.

Why wouldn't Arabs view such actions as encouragement to freely enter their society? If France continues to encourage Arab incursions in their society on many levels, knowingly or not, could this not significantly impact the cultural, religious and ethnic life of France?

The ramifications of France's approach toward Arab states gives pause to reflect. For example, France's neighbor, Germany, might question the geopolitical fallout, not to mention the future desires and designs of the Vatican for a Christian Europe. France may not be dying, but other EU members may begin to question France's far-
reaching panache for the sake of the common good. (Source:

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