World News and Trends Is the United Nations becoming passe

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World News and Trends Is the United Nations becoming passe

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We're hearing less and less of the United Nations since the Iraq war, perhaps primarily due to the routing of many insurgents, alleged UN graft and corruption and the recent Iraqi elections. Astute geopolitical analysts have pointed out the ineffectiveness of the United Nations, especially in light of 9/11 and the military coalition that scattered the forces of Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein.

Media observers have stated that Germany and especially France used the UN as a front to cover their economic activities shared with Saddam and as a forum to make bold statements against the United States. Now their silence and the silence of the UN are deafening and instructive.

History has a way of making its point. So has the United Nations become passŽ, a political anachronism? Whatever the answer, the Bible does show that many of the nations of the world will work together in the future to further their insatiable ambitions in a frightening new geo-political structure (Revelation 14:8; 18:3, 21-23). Only a returning Jesus Christ will save humanity from their arrogant designs (Revelation 11:17-18). To learn more, request our free booklets You Can Understand Bible Prophecy and The Book of Revelation Unveiled.

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