World News and Trends: Polish Catholics press their values on the EU

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Polish Catholics press their values on the EU

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Most of the countries of the European Union are notorious for their secular way of life. Not even the late Pope John Paul II could persuade the EU to mention God in the European constitution. But since the inclusion of Poland and other Eastern European states into the EU, conditions may be changing somewhat.

Said Briton Michael Cashman, liberal European parliamentarian, "New groups have come in from Poland , the Czech Republic [and] Latvia and Catholicism is certainly becoming a very angry voice against what it sees as a very liberal EU." He complained: "We are fighting battles [on gay and women's rights] that we thought we had won years ago" (International Herald Tribune).

We should not underestimate Poland . Before World War II it had the largest GDP in Eastern Europe. Hitler's invasion of the Polish Republic caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany . Poland , with a population of 40 million people, is the largest and most influential of the 10 states that were inducted into the EU in 2004.

For one thing, Poland's "fast-growth, low-wage and low-tax system is perceived as a threat to the stodgier, high-employment economies of Germany and France." The new Polish government formed by the right-wing Law and Justice Party came from behind to thwart an expected victory by the liberals.

Maciej Giertych, one of 10 European Parliament members from the Law and Justice Party, stated: "We accept the teachings of the Catholic Church on all moral issues. If you want to know our opinions, read the opinions of the Catholic Church." In terms of mainstream religion, where might developments like these lead? To understand more, request or download our free booklet The Book of Revelation Unveiled. (Source: International Herald Tribune.)

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