World News and Trends: The French disconnection

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The French disconnection

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Recently the French voted down the new EU charter, already approved by nine EU members. Opposition to Muslim inclusion to the EU appears to be part of France's disconnect as well as its antipathy toward anything that smacks of the United States' political framework. Perhaps unwittingly, this catapults Germany to the head of the line of the EU, ending a long Franco-German coleadership of the EU.

This might appear to scuttle the EU's future plans as a single-minded, economic, political and military colossus. Not so. Giscard d'Estaing of France and Helmut Schmidt of Germany have already proposed a "two-tiered Europe" with a more united inner core of nations.

Remarkably, an inner-core tier could shed light on the seeming enigma of Revelation 17 and Daniel 2, the final dominant superpower in Bible prophecy consisting of 10 leaders who give their power to a single leader the Bible calls "the beast" (Revelation 17:12-13). What currently appears on the surface to be an EU accident might well precipitate an inner core of 10 national leaders who will surrender to and support a final supreme leader in Europe.

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