World News and Trends: Violent crime and robbery up in America and Britain

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Violent crime and robbery up in America and Britain

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Time magazine stated, "Driven by a big jump in robberies, violent crime in the U.S. edged up 1.3% last year, according to preliminary FBI data" (June 18, 2007, emphasis added). Violent crime essentially means murder, rape, robbery with violence and aggravated assault.

The piece in Time listed the top 15 violent American cities. All of them are in the Midwest/Eastern area of the United States with the sole exception of Oakland, Calif. In contrast Irvine, California, is regarded as the safest city in the United States. Flint, St. Louis and Detroit head the list of the most violent, in that order. New York City is now ranked 119th, the result of intense crime-reduction efforts over recent years.

Britain has also suffered from a rise in violence. "The British Crime Survey found violent offences were up 5 per cent, and a separate survey of all-night drinking indicated a rise in offences between 3 am and 6 pm" (The London News, July 19, 2007). According to Metropolitan police statistics, 906,442 crimes were reported in London during the past 12 months. The figures include 175 murders, 179,063 crimes of violence, 2,145 rapes, 44,179 robberies and 95,886 burglaries.

These criminal activities are serious and shameful blights on our Western way of life. Too many have abandoned the Judeo-Christian morality under which both nations rose to greatness. And too few have taught their children to live by the Ten Commandments.

For help in successful child rearing, request or download our free booklet Marriage and Family: The, Missing Dimension. (Sources: Time, The London News.)

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