World News and Trends: Why human governments don't and won't last

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Why human governments don't and won't last

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Why don't human governments last? They always run their course and leaders are replaced by other human beings.

To understand governments, you must understand the God who allows them. God places human beings in office as He sees fit. The Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar grew arrogant and it cost him his kingdom for seven years. God let him lose his mind until he learned who had placed him in office (Daniel 4:30-37).

Jesus Christ warned against the typical style of governance among the nations in His day. Rulers assumed they were entitled to their positions, and they loved to dominate and control others (Matthew 20:25).

When King Solomon was made ruler over Israel, he asked God to help him rule with godly wisdom. God was pleased with his attitude and blessed him beyond his wildest dreams (2 Chronicles 1).

At His return, Jesus will replace all human governments (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 11:15). Simply put, human beings are deficient. Without God's Spirit, human beings are incapable of governing well. Human nature is incurable (Jeremiah 17:9). This is why human governments cannot last and why Christ will come to reign over mankind in perfect righteousness, mercy and humility (Isaiah 11:1-5; Micah 6:8).

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