A World With Just a Pillow

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A World With Just a Pillow

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At 8 years old I was the youngest of a large, close-knit family full of cousins, one brother and two sisters. I always said I had five "mothers" because of my mother, sisters and aunts. But where were they at that moment? That was going through my mind as my brother loaded me into a cardboard box grasping onto a pillow—a 13-year-old's idea of a safety precaution.

I could see in their eyes a statement that said, "This is going to be the greatest adventure ever!" They didn't bother to look into my eyes and realize that I didn't concur.

Why a childhood tale?

We sometimes find ourselves in a similar situation in life under this world's authorities. Governments, kingdoms and empires throughout history have had their own aggressive agendas on how things should be done. Too often the safety of their people was not high on their priority list.

With the exception of a few, the world's leaders have mainly wanted power.

The hunger for power leaves the people of a land grasping for whatever they can find for comfort and survival. My comfort was a pillow that I hoped would protect me.

Jesus Christ on power

Several times Jesus Christ warned His disciples about the hunger for power that leads to oppression: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles [nations] lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them" (Matthew 20:25). Christ pointed out that the same selfish drive also tempts us, but He taught a much different approach to leadership—a way of serving and giving and concern for those governed.

But today, we are still under the old system. As we watch countries and powers go through major upheaval and changes, we wonder, how will our modern world's situation end?

The box on the stairs

Likewise, as my brother closed the box lid over me, I wondered how this was going to end. I heard giggles as they pushed the box closer to the edge of the stairs. I didn't have much confidence in my pillow, but I held onto it as if I did. With one last shove I began my descent.

It wasn't pretty—halfway down the stairs I flew out of the box. Pillow, what pillow? Thirteen stairs feels like 13 stairs, neither soft nor fluffy—and I felt them all! My landing was as graceful as my takeoff. As I was lying there a little stunned we noticed that my foot had punched a hole in our front door.

To my surprise this was only a test run. With all of the "intel" gathered from the failed launch they were certain we could do it better. Lucky me.

The world on the stairs

Today the world stands near the brink of human annihilation!

Mankind cannot accomplish everlasting world peace as some would like to think—even if we had an unlimited amount of time to try. As always, man's attempts at peace fall way short of the goal.

Jesus spoke often of a Kingdom coming to earth that will bring peace and harmony. World peace will only be possible when that Kingdom of God comes and the nations are ruled by Christ and His saints (see Revelation 20:4). Read more about that time in "Trumpets, Trumpets Everywhere."

Kingdoms may rise and fall, but the one thing far better than a pillow that we all have is the hope for the peaceful life God will bring to those who obey Him.

Jesus Christ's Kingdom of peace will not fail. Once established in the near future, He will reign in righteousness and justice forever—and the world will never crash down the stairs again! VT

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