In the News: Accentuate-the-Positive Psychology

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Accentuate-the-Positive Psychology

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The discipline of positive psychology is studying the meaning of happiness and well-being. Classes on this subject are increasingly found on college campuses in the United States and the United Kingdom. Grammar schools are looking for ways to add positive messages to their class curricula. Even the government of Scotland wants to see if positive psychology and a new parliament can create the next Enlightenment for its citizens. Proponents of the subject want to know if happiness can be learned and, in turn, taught.

Positive psychologists use practical techniques to create happiness. They recommend people tally up the good things that happen during the day and show gratitude to those who have been helpful to them.

But being grateful is nothing new. In the Psalms of the Bible, King David of Israel composed and compiled a great quantity of songs and poems thanking God for His blessings. The followers of Christ were often admonished to rejoice and give thanks. God's plan for mankind is the ultimate in positive psychology and happy endings—everyone has a part to play in it. For more information request or download What Is Your Destiny?.

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