In the News: Crisis of Obesity Among Church Attendees

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Crisis of Obesity Among Church Attendees

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A study released in 2006 comparing the levels of obesity between religious groups found that many denominations of Christian churches have extremely high levels of obesity among their members, while lower levels of obesity were found among groups that observed dietary and health guidelines as a part of their belief system. Those in this latter group include Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.

Family physician Dr. Don Colbert believes this phenomenon is related to the fact that while Christians preach against many sins, the sin of overeating is often overlooked. Other experts look at cultural influences, such as in the American South where the tradition of eating heavily fried foods affects the health of members (Dennis Mahoney, "Thou Shalt Not Bloat: Many Christians Spurn Nutrition and Exercise," The Columbus Dispatch, Feb. 9, 2007).

The Bible refers to the body as a temple and God instructs us to treat it with respect (1 Corinthians 6:19). Following this instruction means maintaining as healthy a weight as possible and developing personal habits that support a healthy body.

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