In the News: Read My Mind...

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Read My Mind...

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Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley played a word for patients, and a computer was then able to analyze brain wave patterns of the patients and replicate sounds similar to what they heard.

If and when perfected, this technology could be used in a device implanted in the heads of those with hearing deficiency caused by brain damage, allowing them to communicate. Such devices would register into electronic speech words the user merely thinks of (Nick Collins, "Mind-Reading Device Could Become Reality,", Jan. 31, 2012).

These technological innovations are amazing, but one day hearing will be restored to the injured by the power of God: "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped" (Isaiah 35:5). This refers to a time in the future when Jesus Christ will return to establish His Kingdom on the earth. With Him will come great healing for all people.

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