In the News...Explicit Photos on Cell Phones Danger for Teens

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In the News...Explicit Photos on Cell Phones Danger for Teens

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Teens, especially girls, are increasingly sending explicit, nude pictures of themselves to boys in order to compete for romantic relationships. Experts explain that while those sending the messages think they are just reaching one person, they don't realize that the images proliferate among friends and on the Internet. The danger that sexual predators will collect them is very real (Charlie Boss, "Teen Girls' Cell-Phone Invitations Bare All," The Columbus Dispatch, April 13, 2008).

Explicit photos are completely outside the laws that God established to protect the purity of sex within marriage. Images are extremely hard to remove from the human memory, but equally as difficult is to remove them from the online world. Keeping a clean presence in the digital world is key to maintaining a positive reputation. The Internet and any material published there, even under privacy safeguards, is easily retrieved and made public.

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