In the News...Ready for Marriage

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In the News...Ready for Marriage

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Marriage has become a widely debated subject in recent years, but God teaches that marriage is properly a lifetime commitment between one man and one woman. As a result, making the decision to step into that commitment is a significant one and doing so wisely requires consideration and reasoning that supersede the emotional excitement of perceived "love."

People generally expect to hear religious officials discuss the issues of a good marriage, but would you believe—the Army? The U.S. Army has delved into the realm of what makes a successful marriage because of the stressful life of military personnel. Army chaplains have developed a program that helps soldiers narrow down and carefully consider their choice of spouse.

The program is called P.I.C.K., which stands for "Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge." It uses another acronym to outline its basic principles: F.A.C.E.S.—family background, attitudes, compatibility, experiences in previous relationships and skills brought to the union. Participants are taught to use the brain as well as the heart when choosing a future mate (Pauline Jelinek, "Army Teaches Troops How to Pick a Spouse," Associated Press, Feb. 4).

The program does bring up some interesting points. All the elements of F.A.C.E.S. are important considerations for anyone in preparing for marriage, but especially the issue of compatibility.

Finding a spouse of like mind, particularly on issues of belief in God's way of life, is an essential element to success in marriage. This means waiting for God to provide the right person who shares those beliefs.

Seeking counseling, usually through the ministry, that prepares a couple for marriage is one way of determining some of the aspects of compatibility. For more information, request or download  Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension.

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