In the News...Unfeeling, Unloving

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In the News...Unfeeling, Unloving

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His business is to deal the final blow in relationships (married or non-married), by phone or in person, and tell one partner that the other doesn't want to see him or her anymore.

Most of his clients are female and unwilling or uncomfortable with the confrontation of dissolving a relationship. Dressler is unemotional about his chosen career and feels little for the individual on whom he is unloading bad news (Stefanie Marsh, "Das Boot," The Times [London], Oct. 17, 2006).

This really is the polar opposite of what God intended for dating and marriage. Were friendship to first serve as a foundation, gradually leading to deep married love, Dressler's unfeeling dumping services would not be in demand.

Cruel and mixed-up, the dark side of human nature illustrates why God's way is so necessary to untangle the mess that has been made of human relationships.

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