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Heading off to College Many of you will continue your formal education at a college or university. The purpose of this magazine is to give you important information and the encouragement to apply it in a godly manner... Icon: Christian Values Under Attack!Christian Values Under Attack!
When you arrive on campus, your perspective and way of thinking will undoubtedly be tested. Will you be able to cross the minefield of ideas with your Christianity intact?
Icon: How Correct Is Political Correctness?How Correct Is Political Correctness?
Even though most institutions of higher learning say that they want students to learn to think for themselves, some ideas are frowned upon. There is often great pressure to conform to politically correct points of view...
Icon: Sexual Myths, Sexual RealitySexual Myths, Sexual Reality
We make plans to for most everything, including where to go to school, what career to pursue and how to spend our money. But what about sex? To have a great sex life, you need to have a plan for this part of your life too...
What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You?
What will the Kingdom of God do for you? Why should you look forward to that period of time?
Men and Women's Vulnerabilities
When it comes to temptations to have sex, men and women, in general, face different challenges...
Icon: Sun SafetySun Safety
Here's how you can protect yourself from the sun and have a safe, fun-filled summer.
Icon: The Hesed FactorThe Hesed Factor
How does the principle of "covenant loyalty" apply to Christians today? The love story of Ruth shows the way...
Icon: Q & AQ&A
The following questions and answers represent issues of interest to young people who want sound biblical advice.
Icon: In the News...In the News...
News of interest to teens and young adults from a biblical perspective.
Like Hiking With God
A while ago I was pleased to receive a phone call from an old friend living near Atlanta, Georgia. His warm greeting was familiar and immdiately brought back memories of our friendship...
What Are You Waiting for?
We don't all have the same experiences leading to baptism, but the Bible identifies some necessary steps in the process of conversion.
Why Should I?
It seems to be a habit today to respond to situations with the attitude of "because I want to." But how do socially conscious people like us combat the everpresent selfish idea of "I'm going to do whatever I want and you can't do a thing about it"...
How Much Faith Is Enough?
A seed needs to be planted and watered so that it grows to its fullest potential and produces fruit. Do we need to do the same thing with faith? Or should we be content with what we already have?
Money & Teens
Here's some advice for making money and putting it to work so you'll be able to meet your long-term goals.

Up to You
compiled by Andrea Pacelli

Friendship is the highest degree of perfection in society.
- Michel de Montaigne

You cannot build a reputation on what you''re going to do.
- Henry Ford

What is easily had is lightly treasured and therefore easily lost.
- Maurice Switzer

A man must not swerve from his path because of the barking of dogs.
- H.M. Stanley

We are rich only through what we give; and poor only through what we refuse and keep.
- Anne-Sophie Swetchine

The measure of a man's humanity is the extent and intensity of his love for mankind.
- Ashley Montagu

You may not be able to help the whole world, but you can make a difference in your own community.
- Elizabeth P. Carter

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