Proverbs: A Cheerful Heart

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A Cheerful Heart

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“Every day is a terrible day for a miserable person, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast” (Proverbs 15:15, GW).

The Keil and Delitzsch Commentary says, “The true and real happiness of a person is defined, not by external things, but by the state of the heart, in which, in spite of the apparently prosperous condition, a secret sorrow may gnaw, or on the contrary, in spite of an externally sorrowful state, may be at peace, and be joyfully confident in God.”

Much of our experience depends on our choice of outlook. We can look at the worst in a situation or we can choose to view things in the best light, and make the most of less than ideal circumstances.

We live in an unprecedented era of prosperity, and for many of us, what we want is exactly what we can drive to the store and get or order online and receive within days. We don't really comprehend want or being in need like those who lived through The Great Depression of the 1930's.

Many people then couldn't get what they wanted. They were busy trying to subsist, forge a living, grow their own food, make do, and not starve. Many were severly impoverished. Yet, when interviewed those who lived through that era recount that they never really knew they were poor. A positive can-do attitude and gratitude for what they did have offset the scarcity. They determined that they would be happy, and they were.

What about you? Are you content with what you have or do you feel like you need more and more? How can you change that mindset in yourself?

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