Proverbs: Deep Water

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Deep Water

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“Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out” (Proverbs 20:5). A contemporary version makes it clearer, “A motive in the human heart is like deep water, and a person who has understanding draws it out” (GW).

King Solomon used this principle and showed great discernment when two women came before him, each holding a child, one living and the other dead. Both claimed to be the mother of the live baby. Solomon used a test to draw out their true motivations and show which one was telling the truth (1 Kings 3:16-28).

The Believer’s Bible Commentary explains, “A person's thoughts and intentions are often hidden deeply in one’s mind and will not generally bring them to the surface. But a person of discernment knows how to draw them out by wise questions. For example, a good counselor can help a person bring crooked thinking to the light and thus remedy it.”

Do you know someone who is like "deep water"? What can you do to draw out their thinking? What about you? What are your true motivations?

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