Proverbs: Much Food In The Ground

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Much Food In The Ground

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"Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor, and for lack of justice there is waste" (Proverbs 13:23, NKJV).

This generally applies to the lack of judgment in managing what one possesses. There might be a lot of potential wealth available, but if the investment is not applied wisely or diligently because of bad decisions, an individual can end up impoverished.

There are many ways this principle can apply on a societal level. Unnecessary environmental red-tape that ties up resources that might benefit businesses, and on the flip side, lack of conservation that would protect resources of various kinds from being used up without planning for the future. Likewise, poor farming practices that value high yields without sustaining the health of the soil over the long term waste the precious agricultural resources God gives each nation. 

But as an individual, what fallow ground do you have in your life that you could develop? Do you need to learn more about managing your finances? What about developing friendships and looking out for ways to pitch in and help others? 

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