Proverbs: Stubborn Words

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Stubborn Words

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“Because of a stubborn fool's words a whip is lifted against him, but wise people are protected by their speech” (Proverbs 14:3, GW).

A person filled with pride will eventually show it in his or her words, and then usually it will bring swift discipline and, often, pain to others. But humble words protect a person from harsh treatment and pave the way for positive interaction.

The old fashioned phrase for stubborn, foolish words is "running off at the mouth." A thoughtless statement spoken hastily and then compounded by emotion and more words. How often have we found ourselves in the middle of this kind of situation?

The proverbs provide a wise antidote, "A soft answer turns away wrath..." (Proverbs 15:1, NKJV). Humility and soft words make for better inter-personal communication. 

How can you prepare your thinking now in order to answer with humility in the future?

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