Proverbs: The Lazy Meet Difficulty

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The Lazy Meet Difficulty

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“If you are lazy, you will meet difficulty everywhere, but if you are honest, you will have no trouble” (Proverbs 15:19, GNT).

Here the lazy person is contrasted with an honest and diligent person. The lazy person is full of excuses why things usually go badly, yet the honest and diligent don’t have to give excuses but let their works do the talking.

Initiative is a point of character that helps a person be ready to step in when needed, every time. Taking responsibility along with initiative means that things get done, it is a vital element of an individual's approach to life and serving others. With an eye out for the needs of others, no one slips through the cracks unnoticed. 

What can you do today to avoid the pitfalls of laziness and take the initiative to help others?

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