Readers' Comments

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I really enjoyed seeing your E-magazine. I have never actually seen or read anything like it. Being a young person, I really enjoyed it. I know I have problems very similar to the ones you discuss. I do not like to talk to other people about my problems and, well, reading your magazine really helped me a lot. Many people don't understand how hard it is to be a youth and how easy it is for youth to get pressured into doing things that they know aren't right. But just to have certain friends or to be with a certain group, young people will do whatever.

Also a lot of people don't understand how things have changed since when my parents grew up. Today things are different. I mean you cannot even walk down the street without wondering if you're gonna get jumped or raped. Thank you for your time and I just wanted to let you all know you are doing great jobs and they really do help!
— Kelly

I found the current issue regarding virginity, cussing and abstinence very edifying and helpful. I'm 15 and trying really hard to resist and fight against sexual urges. Reading those articles helped me focus on making sure I obey God's Word instead of giving in to sin.
— Simon

Hi! I am 21 years old and I came across your Web site for teens. I know I'm not a teen but I enjoy reading things like that! It helps me in some areas that are confusing to me. Thanks for your Web site!
— Anne

Editor's note: Actually, our desire is to address issues that are relevant for young people in their early 20s, too. We're glad to have readers in this age group and especially welcome your input on article ideas.

Thanks so much to all who put together the material for this issue. It is very timely in the times we are living in for the youth of today and very much needed. This valuable material not only helps those confronting specific issues, but helps us young adults know how to deal with difficult situations others are going through and to be there for them. Our hope is that the youth then will make an effort to make a difference in their lives. It's worth living God's way!!!
— Michelle

Thanks for the great article in the May/June 2003 issue of Good News magazine! The article was titled, "Choosing Movies and Music: What's Going Into Your Mind?" I recently became a Christian and have been wondering about this issue. I have never liked music like rage rock, heavy metal or anything with lots of profanity or sexual content in it. I have always listened to country music. I know not all of it is free of these things, but for the most part it is. Now if a song comes on that I don't want to listen to, I just turn it off or turn the volume down so I can't hear it.

And since I have become a Christian I have had questions about whether the movies were OK to watch if I knew they weren't real and if I didn't practice what I saw in them. This article helped to answer a couple of questions I had. Now I am going to be more careful about what I watch
— Jennifer

Editor's note: Selected articles from Youth United are run on a regular basis in our sister publication, The Good News. Back issues of Youth United are available via the link in the header on our home page.

Hello! I just want to thank you for your reply to my "Ask Youth" question. It really helped me understand more about God's desire for my life in the area of clothes to wear. I really appreciate it! May God continue to bless you!
— Elena

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  • Juniesa E

    I just wanted to say thank you UCG ! Your sermons and sermon series , articles and everything else on your site is truly amazing and helpful in our walk with Christ our Lord and Saviour. I am in the middle of the ministry of reconciliation by Gary Petty and wow I am amazed at how our human nature was wonderfully explained and what the true root of conflict is , I never thought of it that way before , Again thank you UCG !

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