Sabbath vs. Surfing

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Sabbath vs. Surfing

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Breaking smoothly, the wave crashed against the shore, sending huge amounts of spray through the golden air. This only added to my misery, for I was in a tough dilemma! My surfboard was just two minutes away, but in 20 minutes I had to get ready for church. Not the most important decision for many perhaps—the obligation to attend church vs. the desire to dive into the cascading blue of the Pacific Ocean—but it was for me. I had been out of the water for a week too long, and the surf was calling!

So often we face similar situations that could hinder our attendance at church. It might not be the ocean that beckons, but maybe the football match or the barbecue at your best mate's place that raises the same question for you: Is it all actually worth it? Do your beliefs spoil your fun and happiness?

Every day that question lingers, waiting for an invitation into your mind where it can cause doubt and confusion. Which is of greater importance in your life: seeking lasting, spiritual pleasure on God's seventh-day Sabbath or seeking your own momentary, physical pleasure?

Don't get me wrong; physical pleasure isn't bad. Jesus came so we may have an abundant life (see John 10:10). No mistake, I'm going to surf any chance I get the other six days of the week. But in the case of the Sabbath, we gain our happiness from God. If we honor this day by not seeking our own pleasures, then we will receive much greater rewards and a life hugely abundant (see Isaiah 58:13-14).

That Sabbath day on the beach my decision came surprisingly easily. Staring out over the magnificent creation of God—and seeing the way He used the wind, water, earth and gravity to construct strange blue "things" crashing on the shore—completely blew me away! How could I compete with that? The one true God was there long before creation—He was first. And so, I thought, in my life He should be first too. When we consider the spiritual pleasure that we can receive by keeping the Sabbath holy while worshipping Him at His church service, it is worth it!

That same decision can be surprisingly easy for you too. If in doubt or confusion, drop to your knees and pray. Or if you're lucky enough to have friends of like mind, talk with them, and they will help you. For some motivation, go for a walk in God's creation. For maximum strength, do all three! Each method used will help you see the value of the true faith of Jesus Christ. In reality we are absolutely privileged to be striving toward the Kingdom of God.

It doesn't really matter if we miss a barbecue or a surf for the sake of the Sabbath. In fact, you will find that it is completely worth it! You can learn more about the true Sabbath of the Bible by requesting or downloading your free copy of Sunset to Sunset—God's Sabbath Rest.

It was worth waiting that extra day. The sun smiled upon me as my feet squeaked in the sand. Breaking so smoothly, the wave crashed against the shore, except this time it was bigger. If believing God's truth from the Bible grants me rewards like this, then regardless of any imagined difficulties, it's truly worth it! VT

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