The Variation of Species

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The Variation of Species

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This year, 2009, marks Charles Darwin's bicentennial birthday (he was born in 1809) and also the 150th anniversary of his renowned 1859 publication On the Origin of Species. If you are in school or have taken biology classes, you have probably been bombarded with Darwin's theory of evolution and taught it as true.

The Origin of Species, as it is often abbreviated, is listed among the most influential books ever written. "Next to the Bible," anthropologist Ashley Montagu claims, "no work has been quite as influential, in virtually every aspect of human thought, as The Origin of Species" (The Origin of Species, 1958, Mentor edition, quote on the back cover).

However, did this book really deal with the origin of the species or only with the variation of the species?

Candid admissions

It is shocking to find eminent evolutionists admitting that Darwin didn't really address the issue of the origin of the species. Let's read just a few of these startling admissions by noted scientists.

• "Darwin," notes the famous paleontologist Niles Eldredge, "never really did discuss the origin of the species in his Origin of the Species" (Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibria, 1985, p. 33, emphasis added throughout).

• Writing in the prestigious scientific magazine Nature, Eörs Szathmáry admits: "The origin of species has long fascinated biologists. Although Darwin's major work bears it as a title, it does not provide a solution to the problem" ("When the Means Do Not Justify the Ends," June 24, 1999, online edition).

• "Darwin's book," writes biologist Chris Colby, "was titled The Origin of Species despite the fact that he did not really address this question; over one hundred and fifty years later, how species originate is still largely a mystery" (Introduction to Evolutionary Biology, 1996, online edition).

• Famous evolutionist Douglas Futuyma reveals, "One of the ironies of the history of biology is that Darwin did not really explain the origin of new species in The Origin of Species, because he didn't know how to define a species. The Origin was in fact concerned mostly with how a single species might change in time, not how one species might proliferate into many" (Science on Trial, 1983, p. 152).

• "So begins The Origin of Species," explain biologists Jerry Coyne and H. Allen Orr regarding the book, "whose title and first paragraph imply that Darwin will have much to say about speciation [the creation of species]. Yet his magnum opus remains largely silent on the 'mystery of mysteries,' and the little it does say about this mystery is seen by most modern evolutionists as muddled or wrong" (Speciation, 2004, p. 9).

• "As Professor Ernst Mayr of Harvard once remarked, 'the book called The Origin of Species is not really on that subject,'" notes author Gordon Taylor, "while his colleague Professor Simpson admits: 'Darwin failed to solve the problem indicated by the title of his work.' You may be surprised to hear that The Origin of Species remains just as much a mystery today, despite the efforts of thousands of biologists. The topic has been the main focus of attention and is beset by endless controversies" (The Great Evolution Mystery, 1983, p. 140).

What The Origin of Species is truly about

If Darwin's famous book didn't honestly deal with the origin of the species, what was it really about?

It was about variation within species, or how adaptations in living things could arise. But of course, if he had more accurately titled his book On the Variation of Species, and limited himself to discussing the direct evidence available, it would hardly have received much notice from the scientific community or the public. It was only when he challenged the notion of a creator of living things and replaced it with a theory of living organisms developing without the need for a creator that he gained notoriety.

As professor of theological ethics Benjamin Wiker remarks, "That evolution must be godlessto be scientific is the Darwin Myth, so profoundly misleading that it must be called a great lie, one that is unfortunately at the heart of his life and legacy" (The Darwin Myth, 2009, p. xi).

This was not a new idea. The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius had declared that everything in the natural realm was explainable by natural means—and that to attribute any phenomena to supernatural intervention was superstitious.

Darwin's key assumption was that, primarily through variation and natural selection, all kinds of different creatures could naturally arise on their own. But what he actually discovered were only limited biological principles that govern microevolution (change within a kind, as described in Genesis, which is probably broader than what is currently called a species) and not those dealing with macroevolution (change from one kind to another).

Again, if Darwin had remained within the confines of the existing evidence, it would have revealed interesting biological data, but nothing earth-shattering. Yet what he did was to extrapolate the known evidence to pawn off a hugely unproven and speculative conclusion.

As Phillip Johnson, one of the fathers of the intelligent design movement, explains, "If relative minor variations...were all evolution were about, there would be no controversy, and even the strictest biblical fundamentalists would be evolutionists. Of course evolution is about a lot more than in-species variation. The important issue is whether dog breeding and finch-beak examples fairly illustrate the process that created animals in the first place" (Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, 1997, p. 57).

Don't be fooled

Did Darwin know what he was doing when he misrepresented the title and contents of his book? We can judge him by his own words.

• He admitted to a fellow scientist, Asa Gray, about his book, "I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science" (N.C. Gillespie, Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation, 1979, p. 2).

• Darwin once wrote to a friend that he prided himself as an expert in the "master art of wriggling" (Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 2, p. 239).

• He confessed to some fellow scientists about his theory, "It is a mere rag of a hypothesis with as many flaws and holes as sound parts...but I can carry in it my fruit to market...a poor rag is better than nothing to carry one's fruit to market in." To another colleague he wrote, "I...have devoted my life to a fantasy" (Adrian Desmond and J. Moore, Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist, 1991, pp. 475-477).

The fruit he wanted to market was his theory of evolution, which included a direct attack on the prevailing notions of God, Christianity and the Bible. And a very poisonous fruit it has turned out to be.

Darwin may have been clever and deceptive, but the evidence for his theory has not truly held up. A Harvard paleontologist of Darwin's day who never accepted Darwinian evolution, Louis Agassiz, stated of Darwin's writings: "Possibilities were assumed to add up to probability, and probabilities then were promoted to certitudes" (quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, 1966, p. 335).

Yet such a sham of a scientific theory now virtually goes unquestioned in public schools and universities. It has become like a sacred idol that can't even be criticized by the media or the schools without dire consequences. It has had an enormously negative impact, especially in Western culture. This ideology has fostered growth in atheism and even contributed to the barbaric wars under Hitler and Stalin. Of course, if people are taught that they are merely animals, we should not be surprised when they behave like animals.

"In Darwinism," explains Benjamin Wiker, "German intellectuals found scientific vindication that racial conflict, or more exactly, the subordination or elimination of inferior races, was the one needful task to save the world from evolutionary degradation, and even more, to advance humanity physically, morally, and intellectually. These were not ideas that German intellectuals twisted out of context from ill-conceived offshoots or aberrations. They came straight from Darwin himself" (The Darwin Myth, 2009, p. 154).

So don't be fooled by clever but deeply flawed arguments about the theory of evolution. Many might be celebrating Darwin's bicentennial and believe in the fatally flawed "molecules to man" theory, but vertical thinkers need not be deceived. Read Romans 1:18-32 to see what is now happening to our society because of those who refuse to acknowledge and honorGod as our true Creator. For more information about Darwin's deception, read our free booklet Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe? VT

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  • daveyjones
    All the animals appeared out of thin air Brandon. Poof theres an elephant, poof goes a cow, poof goes a TRex, Poof theres a man. Just like magic. Come on all you have to do is believe !
  • londonbrandon
    Brother Joseph. Voluminous quantities of research and data (available at your fingertips) show the correlation between DNA, Genetics, plate tectonics and biological evolution. Once seriously studied in depth, it's basically impossible to ignore. It turns out that all mammals-including lions, cows, pigs and elephants- have three billion total bases of DNA, and about 25,000 genes. Indeed, we all have pretty much the same set of genes. When plates move they carry living organisms along with them. As a plates’ relative position to the equator changes over time, organisms well adapted to a polar environment, for example, must either evolve through adaptations or perish as the plate migrates into a tropical environment. A good example of this is the difference between Indian and African Elephants... both clearly from the same 'stock' (as provable genetically) but now with slightly different characteristics since India broke away from Africa approx. 20 million years ago.
  • cjgennaro
    Marxist and Freudian ideologies have both fallen. Darwin is next
  • kimpol12
    I'm very thankful for this. praise God for this message. If only I have a money I will donate big amount of money to keep this program alive. God bless you all !
  • richardb
    I wish i had known how false Darwins teachings were when i was in public school.
  • brotherjoseph

    I am interested in your comment as to how "genetics, plate tectonics, and DNA expound evolution.." How so? What have these science studies unveiled that "expounds evolution".....I know of nothing.

    I would also like to understand your last sentence; "Like Martin Luther he could not deny the evidence of what he found." Martin Luther had clear Biblical evidence of his concepts, but very much unlike Luther, Darwin has zero evidence to back up his vivid imagination. How Darwin has survived in light of scientific evaluation is the grand mystery. His postulations are all his own supposition......there is no factual basis for any of it.

  • AlexRaccoon

    #1. Evolution does not preclude believe in God. It explaines change over time. If true, it follows rules laws and patterns just like anything else in the natural world.

    #2. Evolution is not "darwinism". Yes he is the face of evolution as he was the first to really put forth one driving force behind it (
    Natural Selection). But he did get alot wrong and had no knowlege of genetics (That is where Mendel came in), but genetics, plate tectonics, and DNA have all been able to expound on evolution, not destroy it, even if we don't know everything yet.

    Darwin was well aware of the implactions of what his findings would hold. He spend 20 years examining the evidence and trying to find possible alternatives. The stress of what he was publishing made him very ill for long periods of time. He was a passionate and gifted scientist who did not realish the kind of 'attention' he was apt to recieve for the work. That is why he waited to discuss human evolution until over a decade later. But like Martin Luther he could not deny the evidence of what he found.

  • howiedaherp

    But there is a lot of truth in it. An early scientific document of observation. Somehow a few of us have turned Darwin’s writings into a bible for an anti-christian cult. This is so far from the truth. Observation, that’s all the whole thing was about. Darwin saw things and compared them to things he had seen before. Accurately described them and now the whole religious realm is calling him a liar.
    Let's all attack something else like why a fossil is older than we think the earth is. Or how we know that God did not create us via evolution.

  • keepergirl

    I thank God that when that chapter came up in my Biology class in high school, my teacher said we are skipping this chapter for there is no truth in it. Thanks for sharing !

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