Vertical News: Nano Bible

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Nano Bible

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The Jerusalem Nano Bible company has released a copy of the New Testament that is printed on the outside of a computer chip. It includes the entirety of the Textus Receptus in the original Greek, and the company has applied to Guinness World Records to go on record as the smallest Bible.

Each letter is 18 millionths of a meter wide and is only legible with a microscope. The entire chip itself is only 5mm wide. They also plan to produce a copy of the Old Testament and see their product as useful in jewelry as well as to set records (Jonathan O’Callaghan, “The World’s Tiniest BIBLE: Incredible Nano-chip Contains the Entire New Testament On Just One Fingernail Sized Face,” The Daily Mail at, December 9, 2014).

Miniatures are a fascinating exercise in precision and detail, but when it comes to a copy of the Bible, is it really useful if you can’t read it without a microscope? And more importantly, is any Bible that goes un-read really serving the purpose it was intended for, as a tool of education in God’s way of life?

This vital resource was preserved for us down through the centuries through great peril to those who desired to read its words daily. Through God’s blessing, our world overflows with copies of God's Word. Indeed, it is the pathway that allows us to understand who God is and what the Kingdom of God is. Yet, how often do we actually dig into its depth and systematically study to understand it? To learn more about how to approach bible study, please read How to Understand the Bible.

Nano Bibles are interesting, but let them be a reminder to read the real thing because an unopened Bible is just another dust collecting book… blow off the dust, crack the cover, and prepare to be amazed by God’s Word!

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  • Walters
    Rally I do not understand what the purpose of such the nano Bible? To be applied to Guinness World Records only? Who can use it?
  • Michael51
    Amen! I'm trying to add more to this comment, but nothing comes to mind because, you hit the nail on the head, Amanda Stiver! Well done.
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