Vertical News: Senseless Violence Rises With 'Knockout' Game

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Senseless Violence Rises With 'Knockout' Game

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The trend of violent "Knockout" games has made the news again. While youth violence is usually associated with theft or gang related revenge, a relatively new trend has emerged in which an individual, filmed by others and posted online later, attempts to knock unconscious a complete stranger with one blow. Leaving the victim potentially dead, or fatally wounded.

Experts explain that what is so frightening about this trend, and what is says about our culture in general, is that it stems not from excess of emotion, but by lack of feeling emotion at all. Violence as sport with anonymous victims. Life is no longer sacred, but only marginally important. (Dr. Keith Albow, " 'Knockout' Game Part of Epidemic of Senseless Violence,", November 21, 2013).

History is full of bad news about socities that indulge in senseless violence for entertainment. They usually end up explored by archeologists thousands of years later and discussed in hushed tones, eventually becoming the subject of epic movies about galdiators. The civilization suffers, and the people suffer, horribly.

But let's take a different perspective, how do you separate yourself from such a society, even while living in it? Let's explore two key points:

- Respect human life. 

"You shall not murder." God lays down the law, literally the sixth commandment of the ten big ones in Exodus 20:13.

- Guard your thoughts, don't dwell on excess violence in entertainment or video games.

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks," (Luke 6:45).

Thoughts beget words and words beget actions. Know how to say no to peer pressure that demands evil actions.

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  • Eric V. Snow
    The "knockout" game is further evidence of how calloused many people's thoughts of others in society have become in the end times. Notice this well-known text in II Timothy 3:1-3: "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconciable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good." Notice the descriptions of people's behavior at this time includes being "unloving" and "lovers of self." The utter indifference for other people's lives shown by this game results from a society that denies that moral absolutes exist and which denies the religious values that support those moral absolutes. Decades of propaganda in the media and the educational system that teaches people are only animals based on the theory of evolution and that they aren't made in God's image has negative consequences. Therefore, we shouldn't be surprised when more people start acting violently like animals without conscience when they are raised to think this way by their elders in society.
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