Vertical News: Too Many Photos Make You Forget

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Too Many Photos Make You Forget

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Have you ever taken so many pictures of an event that you can’t remember what you actually saw? You weren’t imagining things! Researcher Linda Henkel, of Fairfield University in Connecticut, has given a name to this condition, “photo-taking impairment effect.”

Henkel confirmed her suspicions on the subject by having student participants view artworks at a museum alone or along with taking pictures at a distance. She discovered that when tested on their comprehension and memory of what they saw, students who shot photos scored poorly (Megan Gannon, “Want to Remember Your Museum Visit? Don’t Take Pictures,” Live Science at, December 9, 2013).

However, when given the assignment of taking images of details of artworks, the photo-taking participants improved their scores. Henkel postulates that when you rely on the camera as your memory for complete objects, you send a signal to your brain to stop making an effort to remember (Ellen Gamerman, “The Brain Is Mightier Than the Camera When Remembering Art,” The Wall Street Journal at, December 17, 2013).

Don’t forget that the processing equipment inside your brain, designed by God, is without parallel. Let technology be an aid, but always be sure to make the most of your incredible human potential for recall and learning! 

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  • Tammy Walston Vaught
    Hi Amanda and Lorelei! How we need our memories to remember God and the scriptures, anything we are passionate about we tend to remember, that is also one of the great things God has given us in our processing of information in our brains. You have great articles on health and godly things. I have seen doctors on PBS channel 8 here in Phoenix,AZ talk about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God made our bodies to heal itself naturally using dense nutrition and other God made foods and how to shop for these things. How grateful I am that you reach out to the population to educate ourselves on the ways our bodies work and on dangers to be on the lookout for. God is blessing us and your prayers are being answered for the teens and young adults and any age, in Vertical Thought.
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