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Vertical Thought Webcast

Please join us 8 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, June 20, 2014 for our next exciting excursion into God’s Word. Little understood and certainly little used in our frantically imprudent world the June VTBC will explore from Scripture:  “PRUDENCE – the Better Part of Valor.”  We hope you can join us!

Join us for this month’s VTBC on Friday, May 16 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. How does Jesus Christ define a "Woman" today? Join us for an hour long class about making the most of your potential as you pursue God's way of life.

How do you find your one true love?  How do you identify the soul mate that God has prepared for you? True love may seem elusive, improbable or just a blind hope—but it can be found!  Join us Friday night at 8:00 Eastern Standard Time on January 10, 2014 for the next Vertical Thought Bible Class (VTBC) to learn all about “Dating True Love.”

The YABC is issue-driven—it will address current topics of concern and importance to youth and young adults. "Young adults" of all ages are welcome to join us! Each class will feature a downloadable handout connected to the webcast link. In addition to background on the topic and key Scripture passages, it will also contain several questions for you to discuss later with your friends and family.

What really makes a leader? What one thing does a leader need to actually be a leader? There are many critical ingredients or components in effective leadership, but you must first learn to be part of this missing dimension in good leadership before you yourself are fit to lead.