VT Sabbath Focus: Own The Truth!

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VT Sabbath Focus

Own The Truth!

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Winter Camp in Wisconsin is in full swing. Over 90 campers and staff are spending a week enjoying and learning through indoor and outdoor activities. These campers come from families within the United Church of God which traces its historical roots to the Church that Jesus built using the apostles and prophets as the foundation and Himself as the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-20).

Each day the campers learn or are re-taught God’s truth from the Scriptures. They understand that the Church’s origins don’t devolve from mainstream Christianity’s origins. They know that God the Father and Jesus Christ are commonly portrayed very differently from the plain and clear teachings of the Bible. They also realize that the formal doctrines of modern Christianity are at considerable odds with God’s truth in His Word. And they also perceive that such understanding is not shared by the vast bulk of this world’s Christians.

As time progresses, and all things being equal, these young, faithful ones will stand among the pillars and pastors within the biblical Body of Christ. To that end, they begin to realize that they must not merely take ownership of the organization of the Church because that responsibility requires a greater sense of ownership: ownership of the truth of God. As God requires of any person He calls out of this “present, evil world” (Galatians 1:4) who seeks to come under the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ as personal Savior, these young people of the true Church of God must take ownership of His truth.

God’s truth—the truth—is what defines the Body of Christ. Taking personal ownership of the truth is the vital step forward to spiritual conversion. Seek the truth and you will find life.

Here are some questions to help focus your Sabbath study about what is “truth”:

- Was “grace” in all its assumed meanings all that Jesus brought to mankind?  John 1:14

- Is a warm feeling of “faith” all that is required to worship God?  John 4:23-24

- What makes us true disciples of Christ? John 8:31

- What does Jesus use to free us from the bondage of the world’s ways?  John 8:32

- In essence, why is Satan the Devil (and the society around us that he has fostered and conditioned) in error?  John 8:42-47 with a special focus on verse 44

- God’s way of life, lived and taught by Christ, is based upon what? John 14:6

- Upon true spiritual conversion, does God use His Spirit to guide us to worship Him through a syncretic mixture of true and false teachings?  John 15:26; John 16:13

- What makes the true Church of God fundamentally different from traditional Christianity—or any other religion of the world?  John 17:9-19 with special focus on verses 17 to 19

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