What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You?

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What Will the Kingdom of God Mean for You?

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Many of you are very aware of some of the challenges and fears of life—crime, poverty, disease and war. The world today also has to live with the threat of terrorism—knowing that a terrorist can strike anywhere, any time, bringing devastation and death.

You struggle against the pressures of sex, drugs and alcohol. You may wonder whether you will be able to afford to go to college or what career path to choose and if you will be able to find work after you are done with your education. You may also question whether you will ever marry and have an opportunity for a happy family and a good life.

Street gangs and crime are issues you may have to wrestle with. And some grow up knowing that rape, mugging, verbal and physical abuse, kidnapping and even murder lurk nearby. There has to be a better way to live!

The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ is returning to earth, and it could be soon! When He returns He will bring an end to the world order as we know it and will open the door to an entirely new world! Terrorism, ethnic cleansing, religious and ethnic hatred and bigotry will all cease to exist!

War will be a thing of the past. Conventional, chemical, biological and nuclear weaponry will be destroyed and any usable parts will be reused to make useful instruments for the betterment of humanity rather than destruction. Everyone will be taught by Jesus Christ how to live in true peace and harmony with each other (Isaiah 2:1-4)!

Can you imagine how much different life will be then? Can you imagine how different your life will be after Jesus Christ returns? Let's consider just a few real-life issues.

Peace and safety

The city of Jerusalem is anything but a safe place today. There is not another piece of ground on earth that has inspired as much fighting and killing as this city. And a good case can be made that there is not a more dangerous place nor a more difficult place to bring peace to than Jerusalem.

So it is significant when we read what God tells us this dangerous city will one day be like: "This is what the Lord says: 'I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the L ord Almighty will be called the Holy Mountain.' This is what the L ord Almighty says: 'Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with cane in hand because of his age. The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there'" (Zechariah 8:3-5, New International Version).

God is describing a place that is safe for the elderly to walk about in perfect peace! Small children will be able to run around the neighborhood without fear of anyone or anything. There won't be spray-painted graffiti on the walls or gang members driving by looking for trouble. There won't be any drug dealers, crack houses, pimps or streetwalkers. No drunken drivers behind the wheel of a car and no one hiding in shadows to mug an unsuspecting pedestrian.

What does it say about families when the elderly and small children are both out together without fear? It means families will still be together, not split up by divorce or moving off in every direction chasing a job. Families will be filled with love and support. No longer will childhood and old age be times of fear. These times will be filled with love and a proper sense of respect!

The nature of animals

Even the nature of animals will be changed. Animals that are natural enemies today, like wolves and sheep, will live together at peace. The lion, today's fierce king of beasts, will be changed so that it eats grass and hay rather than raw meat. A tiny child, innocent and unafraid, will be able to play peacefully without worry about snakes, scorpions or any other creature that today might harm or even kill him or her. It is all recorded in advance in Isaiah's prophecy (Isaiah 11:6-8)!

A literal Kingdom

Jesus Christ is going to return to the earth in power and majesty. He will establish His Kingdom to rule over all the nations of men. Here is how the Bible says this will occur: "Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!'" (Revelation 11:15).

All these wonderful changes will occur because Jesus Christ will return and take over as King of the earth! (Revelation 19:16). Yet the change in human nature will not be instantaneous. A world full of people will need to be taught how to live in peace. Jesus will use those who have shown they will always be faithful to Him to teach others how to live without drugs, without abuse of any kind, without hatred and without fear. Everyone will need to be shown how to love as family and friends, and how to obey the God who loves them.

You can be one of the teachers who will affect so many lives and do so much good. If you will learn to obey and faithfully follow God today, He can use you in His Kingdom to help bring real world peace!

What the Kingdom will do for young people

What will the Kingdom of God do for you? What do all young people have to look forward to after the return of Jesus Christ? Everything—including a brilliant future filled with peace and safety, families filled with love, children, parents and grandparents all working together and showing respect for each other. Again, the nature of animals will even be changed so they no longer pose any threat to human beings or each other—a perfect balance of nature!

And best of all, you can have a part in making it happen! If you are faithful to God and His laws today, He can use you to show others there really is a better way to live. Could anything be more exciting and worthwhile?

All this and much more is what the Bible means when it speaks of the Kingdom of God. It is a better world and a better life for you and everyone around you. We have God's promise that it is coming—and a promise from God is a promise we can count on! VT

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