Virtual Christian Magazine: August 2003

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In This Issue

  • by Robert H Berendt
Time and chance have a part in who we are. But God is not so concerned about where we came from as where we can go.
  • by Larry Greider
Some of the many decisions we make every day turn out well—others not so well. What can we do to make better decisions?
  • by Gary Petty
The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles has allowed license plates that read “Hot Dam,” “Witches,” “2Sexy” and “2Hot4U,” yet denied a person who wanted to put “Pray” on her plates because it would violate separation of church and state. We see similar trends all over the United States. Has political correctness, touted to promote tolerance, actually created a new intolerance towards Christianity?
  • by Mario Seiglie
Thanks to the modern tools of archaeology, researchers have found much cultural, historical and geographical background material that supports the biblical account of Paul’s trips through the Mediterranean world.