Virtual Christian Magazine: February 2004

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In This Issue

  • by Bruce Gore
John’s Gospel details two quite different resurrections. Both were miracles. But what the disciples saw in the second transformed their lives, giving them power and conviction to face trials, persecution and even martyrdom for an astounding truth.
  • by Patrick Kansa
This month brings us to an annual holiday with some very recognizable imagery: flying cupids with bows ready to fire, long-stemmed red roses and candy for sale in the local stores.
  • by Melvin Rhodes
A titillating television show pushes the bounds of propriety even further while presenting only the seamy—and steamy—side of the story.
  • by Michelle Grovak
Most of us, at one time or another in our lives, have experienced an event considered a miracle. Whether we believe or not, miracles are a gift from God which carry meaning throughout the rest of our lives.
  • by David Treybig
How does “I do” become “I don’t anymore”? Several common misunderstandings contribute to neglect of the marriage vows.
  • by Jean Jantzen
God has called us to be part of something bigger than ourselves—family—a Church family now, then God’s family at the return of Jesus Christ. Life in our Church family can prepare us for that millennial family.
  • by Linda Schreiber
Do we place unnecessary walls between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ? A mature love can breach those walls.