In Brief... Changing Face of Religion in America

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In Brief... Changing Face of Religion in America

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Several things are happening. Major churches showed moderate declines, including the Roman Catholic, the Baptist, the Methodist and the Lutheran denominations. Yet Christianity clearly dominates the religious scene in the United States with nearly 80 percent of the adult population indicating an allegiance.

In summary, "The major Christian denominations are losing numbers fast. Only non-denominational Christian churches showed growth, outpacing losses. 'Two in three people who say they grew up as Jehovah's Witnesses have left the faith. Any one of 10 people you meet is a former Catholic,'" says Luis Lugo, Pew Forum director (ibid.).

Several church authorities seem to agree that "there's no question that change is afoot and that doctrine and denominations are losing their hold on Western Christian nations." In fact, there has been a monumental shift away from the doctrines of the New Testament Church. To learn more, read or request our free booklet Jesus Christ: The Real Story.

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