In Brief... Patriarch of Jerusalem: Christians' Moral Fiber Being Tested

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In Brief... Patriarch of Jerusalem

Christians' Moral Fiber Being Tested

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JERUSALEM: (APB) - Patriarch Michael Sabbah of Jerusalem has been among the participants of the "Bethlehem 2000" Conference in Rome. Commenting on the situation in the Middle East, he said: "Our expectations for 'Bethlehem 2000' are for a spiritual life that is more sincere on the part of Christians, who are few, both in Bethlehem itself as well as in the rest of the Holy Land."

Referring to King Hussein of Jordan's death, the Patriarch said, "We hope that Jordan's politics will not change, and that the new king will follow in his father's footsteps, doing the same work, and giving the same input for peace."

In face of the current standstill in implementing the Peace Agreements, the Patriarch said that "the Palestinian people believe and hope that a new government in Israel will have a new vision, capable of integrating Israel's need for security with the Palestinians' right to liberty. Only with this broader vision can there be hope to achieve peace."

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