In Brief... World News Review: Rabbis Sanction Gay "Marriages"

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Rabbis Sanction Gay "Marriages"

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Rabbis in America's largest Jewish movement have declared that they can officiate at same-sex unions, but stopped short of calling them marriages.

The decision was made in secret after a debate by members of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the rabbinical arm of the liberal group known as Reform Judaism, which has more than 1.5 million members.

The resolution backed any rabbi's decision to preside over affirmation of a gay union using any "appropriate Jewish ritual." In a compromise that made passage of the measure possible, the group recognized its divisions of opinion by agreeing also to support any rabbis who choose not to officiate at such ceremonies.

Other American Christian and Jewish denominations are to debate homosexual weddings in the coming months. The issue will be opposed by the Presbyterian, United Methodist and Episcopal churches.

Until now, only the Unitarian Church and the United Church of Christ, both small Christian groups, have formally allowed clergy to officiate at same-sex unions. Two Jewish groups, the Conservative branch and the Orthodox movement, remain firmly opposed to the idea as contrary to Jewish law. The Torah calls homosexuality an abomination.

The vote reflects the spirit of the Reform movement, founded in the 19th century. Its members do not consider themselves bound by traditional Jewish law. Rather, they believe that rules, such as those governing the Sabbath and diet, should be more in keeping with the times. (The Times of London, March 31, 2000.)

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