World News and Prophecy: May 2007

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In This Issue

  • by Melvin Rhodes
Germany, not the United States, is the world's biggest single exporting nation. The German-dominated European Union is the world's biggest single market. Additionally, the German-based euro is increasingly the international currency of choice. Few realize how significant these economic factors are.
  • by John Ross Schroeder
America has some 180,000 military people in Iraq and Afghanistan still trying to establish democratic stability in those two troubled nations. President George W. Bush is also hampered by a Congress urging direct talks with Iran and even contemplating restraints on potential American military strikes. But will the only credible alternative option, diplomacy, really work with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...
  • by Reg Wright
Years of drought have taken Australia to the edge of massive water redistribution that threatens vital agricultural interests. Many blame it all on global warming, but is there something deeper to consider?
  • by Darris McNeely
The book of Revelation continues to hold a fascination for people from all walks of life. Even some who don't believe the message of the book write whole books about the fascination believers have with the prophecies and images portrayed in the last book of the Bible. And those who do believe in its message turn out more books with new theories to decode its intricate prophecies.
  • by Robin Webber
Washington D.C. was under siege! No, it wasn't the British invading again. Thankfully, the War of 1812 was long over. What was setting its sights on the U.S. capital in 2003 was the impending massive force of Hurricane Isabel.
  • by Mike Bennett
Will science create a gleaming utopia of peace and happiness for all? Or does a nightmarish world await us? Futurists offer a variety of conflicting visions. But is there a way to foresee what it will really be like in the world beyond today?